I have just put my latest card designs on my Folksy Site
Please stop by and have a look. We can drink some cyber tea together.
I have just put my latest card designs on my Folksy Site
Please stop by and have a look. We can drink some cyber tea together.
Tania Sneesby lives in the Kingdom of Lancaster. She spends her days walking Princess Tilly and Prince Evan to school, before coming home to the royal palace to load the washing machine with clothes, jog around the house with the vacuum cleaner , juggle the crockery into the dishwasher, load the washing machine again with more clothes, sew swimming badges onto swimming towels, make beds, repair broken bunny rabbits, disinfect the bathrooms, and evict several spiders from their webs before destroying their homes with her duster buster. Movement is fueled by several cups of tea, and on special days a chocolate biscuit, before collecting the small royals from school and cooking them sumptuous royal feasts of fishfingers and chips, and congratulating them for finally being able to wipe their own bottoms! Sometimes, in between all this excitement she even has time to sit cross legged on the palace floor, snipping, sticking and sewing, producing pictures of magical far off lands hoping that passing Kings and Queens will buy her wares.
If you are interested in commissioning a personalised piece it would be very kind of you to give me something to do other than put the next load of washing in! Email me: [email protected]
If you are interested in commissioning a personalised piece it would be very kind of you to give me something to do other than put the next load of washing in! Email me: [email protected]

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